Why Landslides Are Suddenly Tearing Homes Apart In Southern California

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Why Landslides Are Suddenly Tearing Homes Apart in Southern California

The recent spate of landslides in Southern California has left many homeowners wondering what's causing the sudden increase in these destructive events

Landslides are a common occurrence in Southern California, but the recent spate of landslides has been particularly destructive. In January 2023, a landslide in the coastal community of Montecito destroyed 23 homes and killed 21 people.

Just a few weeks later, another landslide in the nearby community of Carpinteria destroyed 10 homes and forced the evacuation of hundreds of residents.

What's causing the sudden increase in landslides in Southern California? Several factors are likely at play, including:

Landslides are a serious hazard in Southern California. Homeowners should be aware of the risks and take steps to protect their property.

Here are some tips for protecting your home from landslides:

If you live in an area that is at risk for landslides, it is important to be prepared. Here are some tips for preparing for a landslide:

Landslides can be a devastating event, but by taking steps to protect your home and prepare for a landslide, you can reduce your risk of injury or damage.