Who Is Lieutenant Governor Of Canada 2022

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Who is the Lieutenant Governor of Canada in 2022?

Meet the Queen's Representative:

The Lieutenant Governor of Canada is the representative of the Canadian monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, in the country.

Incumbent Lieutenant Governor:

As of 2022, the Lieutenant Governor of Canada is the Honourable Mary Simon, who has held the position since July 6, 2021.

Key Responsibilities:

Appointment Process:

The Lieutenant Governor is appointed by the Governor General of Canada on the advice of the Prime Minister of Canada.

Term of Office:

The Lieutenant Governor holds office for a five-year term but can be reappointed.

Significance of the Role:

The Lieutenant Governor plays a vital role in the Canadian constitutional monarchy, ensuring the smooth functioning of government and the stability of the political system.

Additional Facts:


The Lieutenant Governor of Canada is an important figure in the Canadian political system, representing the Head of State and fulfilling crucial ceremonial and constitutional functions. The Honourable Mary Simon, the current Lieutenant Governor, has made significant contributions to her role and has been a strong advocate for reconciliation and social justice.