Us Supreme Court Allows Family Planning Grant Cut In Oklahoma Abortion Dispute

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US Supreme Court allows family planning grant cut in Oklahoma abortion dispute

US Supreme Court allows family planning grant cut in Oklahoma abortion dispute

What happened?

The US Supreme Court has allowed Oklahoma to cut off funding to a family planning provider that offers abortions, in a move that could have nationwide implications for abortion access.

The court’s 5-4 ruling upholds a lower court decision that said the state could defund Planned Parenthood of Greater Oklahoma and Tulsa, even though it also provides other health services, such as cancer screenings and birth control.

The Trump administration has encouraged states to defund Planned Parenthood, and the Supreme Court’s ruling is a victory for anti-abortion advocates.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court’s ruling is a major setback for abortion rights in the United States.

It could lead to other states defunding Planned Parenthood, which would make it more difficult for women to access abortion care.

The ruling also comes at a time when the Trump administration is working to restrict abortion access in other ways, such as by banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

What’s next?

The Supreme Court’s ruling is likely to face legal challenges, and it is unclear how the court will ultimately rule on the issue.

In the meantime, the ruling is a blow to abortion rights and could have a significant impact on women’s access to abortion care.