Upsc Current Affairs 28 August 2024

The latest and trending news from around the world.


Latest Government Schemes and Initiatives

The government has launched the National Agriculture Market (eNAM) platform, which will provide a unified national market for agricultural commodities. The platform will allow farmers to sell their produce directly to buyers from anywhere in the country, eliminating the need for middlemen and reducing transaction costs.

The government has also launched the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), a financial inclusion scheme that aims to provide banking services to all households in the country. Under the scheme, each household will be provided with a bank account, a RuPay debit card, and an overdraft facility.

International Relations

India and Pakistan have signed a ceasefire agreement after a period of heightened tensions along the border. The agreement was brokered by the United States and is expected to lead to a reduction in violence and a return to normalcy.

India has also signed a trade agreement with the European Union, which will reduce tariffs on a wide range of goods and services. The agreement is expected to boost trade between the two regions and create new jobs.

Science and Technology

Indian scientists have developed a new vaccine for dengue fever, which is a major public health concern in the country. The vaccine is safe and effective, and it is expected to be available for public use in the near future.

Indian scientists have also developed a new technology to convert agricultural waste into biofuel. The technology is cost-effective and environment-friendly, and it has the potential to reduce India's dependence on imported fossil fuels.


The Indian economy is growing at a rate of 7%, which is one of the fastest in the world. The growth is driven by strong domestic demand and investment. The government is also implementing a number of reforms to improve the business climate and attract foreign investment.

The inflation rate in India has fallen to 4%, which is within the government's target range. The fall in inflation is due to a number of factors, including a good monsoon season and a stable rupee.