The Lieutenant Governor Of Virginia Term Limit And Responsibilities

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The Lieutenant Governor of Virginia: Term Limit and Responsibilities

What Does the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia Do?

As the second-highest-ranking official behind the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor holds several critical responsibilities. Their duties include:

Term Limit

According to the Virginia Constitution, the Lieutenant Governor serves a four-year term and is limited to two consecutive terms in office. This means they can only serve for a maximum of eight years in the role.

This term limit was established by the Virginia Constitution in 1971 and has been in place since then. It is intended to prevent the Lieutenant Governor from serving for an excessive period and to ensure the regular rotation of leadership in the state.

It is important to note that the term limit only applies to consecutive terms. If a Lieutenant Governor leaves office after serving one or both terms, they can run for the position again after a break in service.


The Lieutenant Governor of Virginia plays a crucial role in the state's governance. Their term limit of two consecutive four-year terms ensures that the position is periodically rotated and prevents any one person from serving in the role for an extended period.