The Lieutenant Governor A Guide To The Role And Responsibilities

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The Lieutenant Governor: A Guide to the Role and Responsibilities

What is a Lieutenant Governor?

A lieutenant governor is the second-highest-ranking official in a state government, after the governor. In most states, the lieutenant governor presides over the state senate and serves as acting governor if the governor is unable to serve.

Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of a lieutenant governor vary from state to state, but typically include:

Qualifications and Election

In most states, the lieutenant governor is elected on the same ticket as the governor. The qualifications for lieutenant governor vary from state to state, but typically include being a citizen of the United States, a resident of the state, and at least 18 years old.

Term of Office

The term of office for lieutenant governor varies from state to state, but is typically four years.

The Role of the Lieutenant Governor in State Government

The lieutenant governor plays an important role in state government, both as a member of the executive branch and as a leader in the legislative branch.

Executive Branch

As a member of the executive branch, the lieutenant governor assists the governor with various tasks. These tasks may include:

Legislative Branch

As the president of the state senate, the lieutenant governor presides over the senate and helps to set the agenda for the legislative session. The lieutenant governor also votes on bills and can break ties in the event of a tie vote.

The Lieutenant Governor and Succession to the Governorship

In most states, the lieutenant governor is the first in line to succeed the governor if the governor is unable to serve. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including death, resignation, or impeachment.

If the governor is unable to serve, the lieutenant governor becomes the acting governor. The acting governor has all the powers and duties of the governor until the governor is able to resume office or a new governor is elected.


The lieutenant governor is an important figure in state government, playing a role in both the executive and legislative branches. The lieutenant governor assists the governor with various tasks, presides over the state senate, and is first in line to succeed the governor if the governor is unable to serve.