Shape Persistent Ladder Molecules Exhibit Nanogap Independent Conductance In Single Molecule Junctions

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Single-Molecule Junctions: Nanogap-Independent Conductance Achieved

Revolutionary Discovery in Molecular Electronics

In a groundbreaking advancement for molecular electronics, researchers have discovered that shape-persistent ladder molecules can exhibit a remarkable property: nanogap-independent conductance in single-molecule junctions.

Understanding the Impact

This breakthrough means that these molecules can conduct electricity consistently, regardless of the distance between the electrodes in a molecular junction, a fundamental limitation in conventional molecular junctions.

Key Features of the Discovery

Significance for Molecular Electronics

Traditional molecular junctions rely on a narrow distance range between electrodes for efficient conductance, making them susceptible to environmental fluctuations.

The discovery of nanogap-independent conductance in ladder molecules alleviates this limitation, paving the way for more robust and reliable molecular electronic devices.

Applications in Nanotechnology

The potential applications of this discovery extend far beyond molecular electronics.

These molecules could be used in nanoscale sensors, nanoelectronics, and other cutting-edge technologies that require precise control of electrical properties at the molecular level.


The discovery of nanogap-independent conductance in shape-persistent ladder molecules represents a major step forward in molecular electronics. This breakthrough opens new avenues for the development of more stable, tunable, and reliable molecular electronic devices with promising applications in various fields of nanotechnology.