Severe Weather Thunderstorm Minnesota

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Stay Safe During Severe Thunderstorms in Minnesota


Minnesota is known for its unpredictable weather, and thunderstorms are a common occurrence during the summer months. While most thunderstorms are relatively harmless, some can produce severe weather, such as hail, damaging winds, and even tornadoes.

What is a Severe Thunderstorm?

The National Weather Service defines a severe thunderstorm as one that produces hail one inch in diameter or larger, winds of 58 miles per hour or greater, or a tornado.

How to Stay Safe During a Severe Thunderstorm

If you are caught in a severe thunderstorm, it is important to take shelter immediately. The safest place to be is in a sturdy building with a basement. If you are unable to get to a building, seek shelter in a low-lying area away from trees, power lines, and other objects that could be struck by lightning.

Once you have found shelter, stay indoors until the storm has passed. Listen to the radio or television for updates on the storm's progress.

After the Storm

Once the storm has passed, be sure to check for damage to your home or property. If you see any downed power lines, stay away from them and call 911 immediately. Do not attempt to clean up any debris yourself. Wait until the authorities have declared it safe to do so.

Additional Tips


Severe thunderstorms can be dangerous, but by following these tips, you can help to stay safe during these storms.