Reagan Star Amanda Righetti On Portraying The Presidents Mother The Films Historical Accuracy

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Reagan Star Amanda Righetti On Portraying The President's Mother & The Film's Historical Accuracy

In depth interview with Amanda Righetti

Amanda Righetti on playing President Reagan's mother

Amanda Righetti, known for her roles in "The O.C." and "Chicago Fire," recently took on the role of Nelle Reagan, the mother of President Ronald Reagan, in the film "Reagan." In a recent interview, Righetti shared her thoughts on the film's historical accuracy and what it was like to portray the former first lady.

Righetti said that she was drawn to the role of Nelle Reagan because she was fascinated by her story. "She was a strong and independent woman who raised a son who would go on to become one of the most influential presidents in American history," Righetti said. "I wanted to tell her story and show the world what a remarkable woman she was."

Righetti said that she did a lot of research to prepare for the role, including reading books and articles about Nelle Reagan and watching interviews with her. "I wanted to make sure that I portrayed her accurately and respectfully," Righetti said. "She was a complex and fascinating woman, and I wanted to do her justice."

Historical accuracy of the film

Righetti said that she believes the film is historically accurate. "The filmmakers did a lot of research to make sure that the film was as accurate as possible," she said. "They consulted with historians and experts on the Reagan era, and they used archival footage and photographs to recreate the events of the time."

However, Righetti acknowledged that the film is a dramatization of events, and some liberties were taken with the story. "The filmmakers wanted to tell a compelling and entertaining story, and they made some changes to the timeline and events of the film to do so," she said. "But I believe that the overall message of the film is accurate, and it does a good job of capturing the spirit of the Reagan era."


Righetti said that she was proud to be a part of the film and that she hopes it will help people learn more about Nelle Reagan and the Reagan era. "I think it's an important story to tell, and I'm glad that I had the opportunity to be a part of it," she said.