Reagan Isnt Very Good But It Highlights Something Important About Todays White House

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‘Reagan’ Isn’t Very Good — but It Highlights Something Important About Today’s White House

A New Showtime Series Offers a Bland Take on the Reagan Era But Reveals the GOP’s Shift Away From Its Past

The new five-part Showtime limited series Reagan illustrates the various ways history can be reshaped over time — and how the past can influence the present, sometimes in subtle and unexpected ways.

The Showtime Series

The show focuses on the presidency of Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, and the first Republican to serve two full terms since Dwight Eisenhower.

Dennis Quaid gives an appropriately forceful performance as Reagan, who is depicted as a charming but often hapless figurehead who is more interested in speeches and photo ops than the details of governance.

While not a complete disaster, the series' blandness is an example of how today’s GOP differs from the Reagan-era Republican Party.

A Softer, Gentler GOP?

The Republican Party has shifted significantly since Reagan's time, becoming more conservative and more hostile to compromise.

Reagan was a pragmatist who was willing to work with Democrats when necessary, but today's Republicans are more likely to view compromise as a sign of weakness.

This shift is due in part to the rise of the Tea Party movement, which has pushed the GOP further to the right.

The Tea Party is a loose coalition of conservative activists who are united by their opposition to big government and their support for lower taxes.

The Tea Party has had a significant impact on the Republican Party, helping to push it further to the right and making it more difficult for the party to compromise with Democrats.

Lessons From the Past

The Showtime series Reagan offers a timely reminder of how the Republican Party has changed over the years.

The show's portrayal of Reagan as a charming but hapless figurehead is a reflection of the modern GOP's shift away from pragmatism and compromise.

While Reagan may not be a great TV show, it does offer some valuable insights into the current state of the Republican Party.