Nvidia Gets Subpoena From Us Doj Bloomberg News Reports

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Nvidia Gets Subpoena From US DoJ, Bloomberg News Reports

What Happened?

Nvidia Corporation has received a subpoena from the US Department of Justice (DoJ), according to a Bloomberg News report on December 15, 2022. The subpoena reportedly seeks information about Nvidia's dealings with Chinese companies and individuals.

Why It Matters

The subpoena is part of an ongoing investigation by the DoJ into potential violations of US export control laws. The investigation is reportedly focused on whether Nvidia has been selling its products to Chinese entities that are subject to US sanctions.

The investigation could have significant implications for Nvidia, which generates a significant portion of its revenue from sales in China. If the company is found to have violated export control laws, it could face fines, sanctions, or other penalties.

What Nvidia Says

Nvidia has not publicly commented on the subpoena. However, the company has a history of cooperating with US government investigations.

What's Next

It is unclear how long the investigation will take or what the outcome will be. The DoJ has not filed any charges against Nvidia, and the company maintains its innocence.


The subpoena from the US DoJ is a significant development in the ongoing investigation into potential violations of US export control laws. The investigation could have significant implications for Nvidia, and it is important to monitor the situation closely.