Never Fix A Running System

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Beware: Changing a Well-Oiled Machine Can Lead to Peril

The Risks of Tinkering with a Successful Process

The age-old adage "never fix a running system" holds true in many aspects of life, particularly in the realm of business and technology.

When a process or system is functioning smoothly and efficiently, making unnecessary changes can often lead to unintended consequences. This is especially true when the system is complex and has taken time to develop and refine.

By altering the system, you introduce new variables that can disrupt the delicate balance that has been established. This can lead to errors, inefficiencies, delays, and even complete system failure.

Examples of the Dangers

Numerous examples illustrate the perils of fixing a running system:

When Change is Necessary

While it is generally advisable to avoid fixing a running system, there are situations where change may be necessary.

These situations include:

Proceed with Caution

If you decide that changing a running system is necessary, it is crucial to proceed with caution.

Here are some best practices:


By understanding the risks associated with fixing a running system and proceeding with caution when necessary, you can avoid the pitfalls and ensure that your systems continue to operate smoothly and efficiently.