Lieutenant Governor Of Alberta Student Awards

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Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Student Awards: Recognizing Excellence in Academics and Leadership

About the Awards

The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Student Awards are prestigious awards that recognize outstanding students in the province of Alberta, Canada.

The awards are given to students who have demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, and community involvement.


To be eligible for the awards, students must be:

Award Categories

The awards are given in three categories:

Academic Excellence Award

The Academic Excellence Award is given to students who have achieved outstanding academic成绩 in their post-secondary program.

Students are nominated for this award by their post-secondary institution.

Leadership Award

The Leadership Award is given to students who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills.

Students are nominated for this award by their peers, faculty, or community organizations.

Community Service Award

The Community Service Award is given to students who have made a significant contribution to their community.

Students are nominated for this award by community organizations or individuals.

Selection Process

The awards are selected by a committee of educators, community leaders, and business professionals.

The committee evaluates the applications based on the following criteria:

Benefits of the Awards

The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Student Awards provide a number of benefits to the recipients.

How to Apply

To apply for the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Student Awards, students must complete an application form and submit it to their post-secondary institution.

The application deadline is typically in March of each year.


The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Student Awards are a prestigious recognition of excellence in academics, leadership, and community involvement.

The awards provide financial assistance, recognition, and networking opportunities to the recipients.

If you are a student in Alberta, I encourage you to apply for these awards.
