Lieutenant Governor Of Alberta Residence

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Alberta Lieutenant-Governor's Residence Vandalized

Incidents of Vandalism

On Thursday, April 10, 2023, an incident of vandalism occurred at the residence of Alberta's Lieutenant-Governor, Salma Lakhani.

A group of protestors gathered outside the residence and vandalized the property. The damage included broken windows, graffiti, and defaced statues.

The incident is currently under investigation by the Edmonton Police Service.

Government Response

Premier Danielle Smith condemned the vandalism and promised to hold those responsible accountable.

"This is an unacceptable attack on our democratic institutions," Smith said. "We will not tolerate this kind of behavior in Alberta."

The government has increased security at the Lieutenant-Governor's residence and is working with the police to investigate the incident.

Motive of Protestors

The motive of the protestors is not clear at this time.

Some protestors have claimed that they were protesting the government's COVID-19 policies, while others have said they were protesting against Lakhani's appointment as Lieutenant-Governor.

The investigation into the incident is ongoing.