Lieutenant Governor Evansville Indiana

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Lieutenant Governor, Evansville, Indiana

A Deep Dive into the Role and Responsibilities

Duties and Responsibilities

The Lieutenant Governor of Evansville, Indiana holds a vital position within the state government. This elected official serves as the President of the Indiana Senate and is second in line to the Governor.

Key duties of the Lieutenant Governor include presiding over Senate sessions, appointing committee chairs, and casting tie-breaking votes. In the Governor's absence, the Lieutenant Governor assumes the role of acting Governor.

Qualifications and Election

To qualify for the position, candidates must be at least 30 years old, have been a resident of Indiana for at least 5 years, and possess U.S. citizenship. The Lieutenant Governor is elected on the same ticket as the Governor in a statewide election.

Historical Significance

The position of Lieutenant Governor in Evansville has a rich history. The first Lieutenant Governor of Indiana was elected in 1816, shortly after the state's formation. Over the years, several notable individuals have held the office, including former Governor Frank O'Bannon.

Current Lieutenant Governor

The current Lieutenant Governor of Evansville, Indiana is Suzanne Crouch. She was elected in 2016 and is the first woman to hold the position. Crouch has been actively involved in promoting economic development and education initiatives in the state.


The Lieutenant Governor of Evansville, Indiana plays a crucial role in the state's political landscape. This elected official holds a wide range of responsibilities, including presiding over Senate sessions, appointing committee chairs, and acting as Governor in the Governor's absence. The position has a rich history and has been held by several notable individuals.