Judge Issues Preliminary Injunction On Trump Campaign Use Of Hold On Im Coming

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Judge Issues Preliminary Injunction on Trump Campaign Use of ‘Hold On, I’m Coming’

District Court Judge Grants Injunction

On September 21, 2022, Judge Toy granted a preliminary injunction that prevents the Trump campaign from using the song "Hold On, I'm Coming" by Sam Cooke at rallies and events. This ruling comes after a copyright infringement lawsuit was filed by ABKCO Music & Records, Inc., which owns the rights to the song.

Copyright Infringement Lawsuit

The lawsuit alleges that the Trump campaign has been using the song without a license, which is a violation of the Copyright Act. The Copyright Act gives the owner of a copyright the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and publicly perform their work. ABKCO Music & Records, Inc. claims that the Trump campaign's use of the song infringes on their exclusive rights and is causing them financial harm.

Preliminary Injunction

A preliminary injunction is a court order that prevents a party from doing something before a trial has taken place. In this case, the preliminary injunction prevents the Trump campaign from using the song "Hold On, I'm Coming" at rallies and events. The injunction will remain in place until the lawsuit is resolved.

Implications for the Trump Campaign

The preliminary injunction is a significant setback for the Trump campaign. The song "Hold On, I'm Coming" has been a staple at Trump rallies and events, and its use has helped to create a sense of excitement and energy among his supporters. The injunction will likely prevent the campaign from using the song at future events, which could have a negative impact on the campaign's ability to energize its base.


The preliminary injunction is a reminder that copyright laws are important and that they will be enforced by the courts. The Trump campaign's unauthorized use of the song "Hold On, I'm Coming" is a clear violation of the Copyright Act, and the preliminary injunction is a just and appropriate remedy.