Gambians Support New Constitution Amid Doubtful Political Will

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Gambians Support New Constitution Amid Doubtful Political Will


On 17 December 2021, Gambians overwhelmingly voted in favor of a new constitution. The new constitution replaces the 1997 constitution, which was drafted under the authoritarian regime of former President Yahya Jammeh.

Public Support for New Constitution

The new constitution was supported by 91.8% of voters, with only 8.2% voting against it. This overwhelming support reflects the Gambian people's desire for a more democratic and just society.

The new constitution includes several key provisions that are designed to improve human rights and strengthen the rule of law. These provisions include:

  • A Bill of Rights that guarantees fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion
  • An independent judiciary
  • A two-term limit for the president
  • A prohibition on torture and other forms of cruel and unusual punishment
  • Obstacles to Implementation

    Despite the overwhelming public support for the new constitution, there are doubts about whether the government will fully implement it. President Adama Barrow has expressed support for the new constitution, but he has also been criticized for his slowness in implementing reforms.


    The adoption of a new constitution is a significant step forward for The Gambia. However, the government must now take steps to fully implement the new constitution and ensure that it is respected by all citizens.

    The international community should continue to support The Gambia as it works to build a more democratic and just society.