California Lieutenant Governor Election A Deep Dive

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California Lieutenant Governor Election: A Deep Dive


On November 3, 2022, California voters will choose their next Lieutenant Governor. The Lieutenant Governor is the second-highest elected official in the state, and takes over as Governor in the event of the Governor's resignation, death, or impeachment. The Lieutenant Governor also serves as the President of the California State Senate.

Key Candidates

The candidates running for Lieutenant Governor in 2022 are:

Campaign Issues

The key issues in the Lieutenant Governor race are:

Polls and Predictions

According to recent polls, Eleni Kounalakis is the frontrunner in the race. However, the race is still considered to be competitive.


The 2022 California Lieutenant Governor election is shaping up to be a close race. The candidates are all qualified, and each has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Voters will have to decide which candidate they believe is best qualified to serve as Lieutenant Governor.