Bitterroot Area Warned Of Unhealthy Air Quality From Local Fires

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Bitterroot Area Warned Of Unhealthy Air Quality From Local Fires

Smoke from local wildfires

Smoke from local wildfires is causing unhealthy air quality conditions in the Bitterroot area. The Bitterroot Valley is surrounded by several wildfires. These fires are producing large amounts of smoke. The smoke is then carried into the Bitterroot Valley by the wind.

Health risks associated with wildfire smoke

Wildfire smoke can cause a variety of health problems, especially for people with heart or lung conditions. Symptoms of smoke exposure can include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and eye irritation. In severe cases, smoke exposure can lead to pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems.

Children and the elderly are more vulnerable to the effects of wildfire smoke. This is because their lungs are still developing or are not as strong as those of adults.

Actions to take to protect your health

There are several things you can do to protect your health from the effects of wildfire smoke:

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is monitoring air quality conditions in the Bitterroot area. The DEQ is providing real-time air quality data on its website [link to DEQ website].


Wildfire smoke can be a serious health hazard. By taking the steps listed above, you can protect yourself and your family from the harmful effects of wildfire smoke.