Amazon Plans To Install Telecommunication Equipment In Nz Bloomberg Says

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Amazon to Install Telecommunication Equipment in New Zealand

Communications Minister Chris Hipkins Says Amazon's NZ Investment Is "Tremendously Positive"

Amazon Has Been Slowly Expanding Its Telecommunication Business

Amazon is planning to install telecommunication equipment in New Zealand, according to a report from Bloomberg.

The report cites unnamed sources familiar with the matter, and says that Amazon has been discussing the plans with the New Zealand government for months.

The equipment would be used to provide Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers with low-latency connectivity to the company's cloud computing services.

AWS is one of the world's largest cloud computing providers, and it offers a wide range of services, including storage, compute, and networking.

The company has been expanding its telecommunication business in recent years, and it has already installed equipment in several other countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan.

Amazon's Investment Is "Tremendously Positive," Says NZ Communications Minister

New Zealand's Minister of Communications, Chris Hipkins, said that Amazon's investment is "tremendously positive" for the country.

Hipkins said that the investment will create jobs, boost the economy, and improve connectivity for New Zealanders.

He also said that Amazon's presence in New Zealand will help to attract other businesses to the country.

Amazon's Telecommunication Business Is Growing

Amazon's telecommunication business is growing rapidly.

In 2021, the company launched its own satellite internet service, called Project Kuiper.

Project Kuiper is designed to provide low-latency internet access to underserved areas around the world.

Amazon is also working on a new telecommunications network called Project A2Z.

Project A2Z is designed to provide low-latency connectivity between Amazon's data centers and its customers.

Amazon's Plans for New Zealand Are Part of a Larger Trend

Amazon's plans for New Zealand are part of a larger trend of technology companies investing in telecommunications.

Other companies, such as Google and Microsoft, are also investing in telecommunications networks.

This trend is being driven by the increasing demand for low-latency connectivity.

Low-latency connectivity is essential for applications such as cloud gaming, self-driving cars, and virtual reality.


Amazon's plans to install telecommunication equipment in New Zealand are a significant development for the country.

The investment will create jobs, boost the economy, and improve connectivity for New Zealanders.

Amazon's presence in New Zealand will also help to attract other businesses to the country.
